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Microfilm, Microfiche, CD ROM Guide

Positive Microfilms of Holkham Hall Manuscripts - List

Positive Microfilms of Holkham Hall MSS and a Few Printed Books

The following list is based on A Handlist of Manuscripts in the Library of the Earl of Leicester at Holkham Hall; abstracted from the Catalogues of William Roscoe and Frederic Madden; and annotated by Seymour de Ricci [Oxford]: Printed at the Oxford University Press for the Bibliographical Society, 1932, (Warburg Library pressmark: NHM 130)

3. Illuminated Byzantine Gospels

4. Illuminated Byzantine Gospels

10. Bible, French, 13th century

18. Lectionarium evangeliorum

23-24. 14th century Psalters

25. Psalter with musical notation; filmed with 4

35. Missale romanum

120. Lactantius, Divinae institutiones; filmed with 389 & 391

121. St. Cyprian, Epistolae; filmed with 419, 451, 459, 647

123. St. Ambrose; filmed with 379

125. St. Jerome, Epistolae

126. St. Jerome, Epistolae

131. St. Jerome et al., extracts

140. Hugh of St Victor; filmed with 360, 373

200. G.B. Rinuccini, De haeresis Anglicanae intrusione

206. Azzo, Summa super Codicem

207-209. Justinian, Institutiones, Digestum, Novellae

232. Statuts d'Angleterre

253. Sir Edward Coke, Axiomata ex commentariis eius

298. Medici Plautus

300. Terence; filmed with 339

301. Anthonius de Petrianus on Terence; filmed with 426, 427, 489, 511

303. Vergil

317. Horace; filmed with 327, 328, 331, 341, 369, 388, 409, 418: as `15th-century MSS from Holkham Hall'

318. Persius

319. Ovid, Heroides

324. Ovid, Metamorphoses

326. Valerius Flaccus; filmed with 329, 393

327. Juvenal & Persius; filmed with 317, 328, 331, 341, 369, 388, 409, 418

328. Pindar, Statius; filmed with 317, 327, 331, 341, 369, 388, 409, 418

329. Pindar, Statius; filmed with 326, 393

331. Hyginus; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 341, 369, 388, 409, 418

334. Calpurnius Siculus

336-342. Sallust

339. Sallust; filmed with 300

341. Caesar; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 331, 369, 388, 409, 418

342. Caesar; filmed with 344, 366

344. Livy; filmed with 342, 366

345-347. Livy

350-352. Livy

354. Livy; filmed with 364

355. Livy

359. Tacitus; filmed with 520 & 573

360. Valerius Maximus; filmed with 140, 373

364. Dictys Cretensis; filmed with 354

365. Quintus Curtius; filmed with 452

366. Livy Epitome; filmed with 342-344

369. Sextus Rufus; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 331, 341, 388, 409, 418

370. Orosius

373. Ad Herrennium; filmed with 140, 360

375. Cicero, De inventione; filmed with 383, 386

379. Cicero, Epistolae; filmed with 123

383. Cicero, De officiis...; filmed with 375, 386

386. Cicero, De amicitia; filmed with 375, 383

388. Cicero, Philippics; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 331, 341, 369, 409, 418

389. Cicero, Orationes; filmed with 120 & 391

390. Seneca

391. Seneca, Epistulae ; filmed with 120 & 389

392. Asconius ..

393. Pomponius Mela; filmed with 326, 329

396. Pliny the Younger, Livy

402. Boethius, De consolatione

405. Priscianus, De constructione

406. Priscianus, Grammatica; filmed with 423

409. Paulus Diaconus, Epitome Festi; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 331, 341, 369, 388, 418

418. Juvencus; filmed with 317, 327, 328, 331, 341, 369, 388, 409

419. Sedulius; filmed with 121, 451, 459, 647

423. Geoffrey de Vinsauf; filmed with 406

425. Albertino Mussato

426. Thomas de Chaula; filmed with 301, 427, 489, 496, 511

427. Thomas Seneca with 301, 426, 489, 496, 511

429. Petrarch, Africa & Bucolica

431. Francesco Filelfo

440. Herodotus (trans. Valla)

444. Aristotle, Ethica, Politica & Oeconomica

451. Diogenes Laertius; filmed with 121, 419, 459, 647

452. Phalaris; filmed with 365

454. Josephus, Bellum Judaicum

457. Vita Alexandri Magni

459. Paulus Diaconus; filmed with 121, 419, 451, 647

466. Baptista Paiarinus

475. Buondelmonti, Liber insularum

478. Leonardo Bruni Aretino Bellum Punicum ; filmed with 484 & 490

482. Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Commentaria

483. Leonardo Bruni Aretino ; filmed with 484 & 490

484. Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini; filmed with 483 & 490

487. Opuscula humanistica; filmed with 521

488. Lapo de Castiglionchio; filmed with 478

489. Jacobus Antiquarius ; filmed with 301, 426, 427, 496, 511

490. Varia, for Raphael de Mercatellis; filmed with 483, 484

495. Nicolaus Specialis

496. Johannes Lucidus; filmed with 301, 426, 427, 489, 511

510. Varia rhetorica

511. Ethicae annotationes in Golium; filmed with 301, 426, 427, 489, 496

513. Dante; filmed with 515-517

514. Dante; filmed with 515, 518

515. Dante; filmed with 513, 514, 516, 517, 518

516. Dante; filmed with 513, 515, 517

517. Dante; filmed with 513, 515, 516

518. Dante; filmed with 514-515

519. Petrarch, Rime

520. Petrarch, Trionfi; filmed with 359, 573

521. Sonetti etc written by Felice Feliciano; filmed with 487, 523, 524, 543

522. Sannazaro

523. Michael Savellus; filmed with 521, 524, 543

524. Andrea de' Medici; filmed with 521, 523, 543

531. Boccaccio, Decameron

533. Trattato dell'ingratitudine

539. Sallust

543. Livy; filmed with 512, 523, 524

556. Cronica di Pisa; filmed with 575, 600

567. Statuta Florentiae

573. Statuti e leggi di Venezia; filmed with 359, 520, 573

575. Berlingerius, Rimini; filmed with 556, 600

600. Petruccio Ubaldini, Aquisgrana; filmed with 556, 575

647. Dogale for N. Bernardo; filmed with 121, 419, 451, 459

658. Jacques de Guise, Chroniques de Hainaut

659. Chroniques de Flandres

668. Not Richard Rolle, Prick of Conscience; filmed with 688

676. Religion of a Christian; filmed with 679, 682

678. Historical tracts

679. John Scott, Foundation of Cambridge; filmed with 676, 682

682. Bohemian Loan; filmed with 676, 679

683. State Papers

684-5. William Heveningham

686. Political and satirical poems

687. John Cooper, Miscellanies

688. Kenelm Digby, On Religio medici; filmed with 688

701. Raphael drawings; filmed with 708, 772

708. Offices...of a camp; filmed with 701, 772

723. Legal memoranda; filmed with 725, 732a, 748a-c, 751

725. Sir Edward Coke, Lectures on 27 Henry VIII; filmed with 723, 732a, 748a-c, 751

732a. State trials; filmed with 723, 725, 748a-c, 751

733-734. Thomas Coke's accounts abroad

748a-c. Sir Edward Coke; filmed with 723, 725, 751

751. Registrum brevium; filmed with 723, 725, 732a, 748a-c

752. Statuta to 1330; filmed with 753-5

753. Statuta 1344-1388; filmed with 752, 754-5

754. Natura brevium; filmed with 752-753, 755

755. Tenures; filmed with 752-754

758. Sir John Davies, Nosce teipsum

770. A Handlist of Manuscripts in the Library of the Earl of Leicester at Holkham Hall; abstracted from the Catalogues of William Roscoe and Frederic Madden; and annotated by Seymour de Ricci [Oxford]: Printed at the Oxford University Press for the Bibliographical Society, 1932, (Warburg Library pressmark: NHM 130)

772. Catherine of Siena; filmed with 701, 708