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Guide to Electronic Resources for Warburg Staff and Students


Warburg readers have access to two JStor subscriptions: through the Warburg Institute Library (on networked computers within the building only) and through Senate House Library (on the building network and remote access for Warburg staff, fellows and students using a SAS or SHL card).

The Warburg Institute Library subscribes to the Arts and Sciences collections II and III, which include journals such as:

  • The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes [with embargo: more recent issues are available through Ingenta only on the building network]
  • The Burlington Magazine [with embargo: access to the current issue and full archive is available through the Burlington website only on the building network]
  • The Art Journal and Art Bulletin
  • The Sixteenth Century Journal
  • Isis
  • Past & Present

The Warburg Institute subscription is available over the building network at

Senate House Library subscribes to a broader range of titles and collections in addition to those above, including 19th Century British Pamphlets, Arts & Sciences Collections I-VII, the Ireland Collections, as well as 36 individual journals. The Senate House JStor subscription additionally includes such titles as:

  • Renaissance Quarterly
  • I Tatti
  • Dante Studies
  • Speculum

​​Warburg Institute staff, fellows and students can access this subscription remotely (on your own device or at home) using a SAS card with Senate House Library access.

If you see an article in JSTOR without full-text access, contact nessa.malone [at] sas for further advice.