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The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Research Guides
Book History
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Book History
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Palaeography Resources and Tutorials
Blogs and other resources
Selected Publications
Online tools for the study and understanding of early printed books
Online tools for the study and understanding of early printed books: Provenance
Open Access E-books
Blogs (Institutions)
British Library Blogs
A wide range of blogs, mostly by collection.
Les blogs de la BnF
Blogs of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, by collection.
Penn Libraries Manuscripts
Updated regularly with images of their manuscript collection.
Library of Congress Blogs
Blogs by the Library of Congress, by subject.
Blogs (Personal)
Discarding Images
A blog entirely dedicated to medieval iconography, mostly from manuscripts. Managed by Łukasz Kozak.
Miniatura Italiana
Frequently updated blog with information on new publications, conferences, grants, and jobs relating to Italian illumination and book history. Managed by Anna Melograni.
Pecia - Le manuscrit médiéval
Blog dedicated to Medieval manuscripts, managed by Jean-Luc Deuffic.
Mailing Lists and Newletters
Mailing list for book arts, historical and contemporary; based at Syracuse University.
CERL Newsletter
Appears twice a year in June and December.
Mailing list on all things rare books, managed by the University of Indiana Bloomington.
Managed by the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, it covers all topics concerning book history.
Palaeography Resources and Tutorials
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