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Classification System

Warburg Institute Library Research Guide to the Classification System

Classmarks KC - Locations, Search and Principal areas of strength



Ancient Art & Archaeology

African, Oceanian, American, and prehistoric art (KD); Asian art [including Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, and Islam] (KG); Classical archaeology (KF); Classical topography (KP); Classical iconography (KO); numismatics (KFF); Greek art (KK); Roman art (KN); migration period (KEF).

  Post-Classical Art History

General art history (CF); literary sources (C-H); art interpretation and aesthetics (CI, CA); topography (CP); iconography (CO); survival of ancient art (CK);  early  Christian  and  Byzantine  art  (CC);  illuminated  manuscripts  (CH);  regional art history:  Italian (CN), Spanish (CL), French (CB), Flemish and Dutch (CD, CFM), British (CM), German (CE); applied arts (CG); art collecting, sales and auction catalogues (CGI); 19th and 20th century art (CR)


When locating items in the library, check the subject plans and classmark location lists for specific bay numbers on each floor.

For more detailed classmark locations, go to the pages for Ancient Art & Archaeology, Art History and Modern Art.



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Principal areas of strength

  • Western post-classical art history, especially early Christian, Byzantine, Italian, Netherlandish and German art (covering architecture, sculpture and painting);
  • Religious and secular iconography;
  • The survival of classical art (antiquities, inscriptions, numismatics, gems) and of its themes;
  • Art-historical sources such as guidebooks, inventories and artists’ letters;
  • The development of art history as a discipline; the history of art collecting; applied arts.